News & Updates
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Communications Workers of America District 1
Lasher’s Labor Coalition Continues to Grow In Leadup to Assembly Primary
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union
Lasher Leads Assembly District 69 Field With Labor Support
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Communications Workers of America Local 1180
Lasher Backed on the Heels of His Innovative Proposal to Help Municipal Workers Purchase Homes
A Conversation With Candidate Micah Lasher
By Gus Saltonstall Micah Lasher has been a leading name in the race to replace Assemblymember Danny O’Donnell in District 69 since January. Lasher, the former policy director for Gov. Kathy Hochul, director of state legislative affairs under Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and aide to Rep. Jerry Nadler, has been endorsed by a slew of Upper West Side and Morningside Heights elected officials. Nadler, Councilmembers Gale Brewer and Shaun Abreu, Borough President Mark Levine, multiple local Democratic clubs, and others, have all announced their support of Lasher. For those who might not have been following the race until now, it raises…
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Planned Parenthood
Lasher Backed for His Unwavering Commitment and Extensive Record on Protecting Reproductive Freedom in New York State
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Hotel and Gaming Trades Council
Lasher Building Strong Labor Coalition in 69th Assembly District Race
Micah Lasher Endorsed by New York’s Teachers
New York State United Teachers and United Federation of Teachers Back Lasher for Assembly District 69
Micah Lasher Endorsed by Civil Service Employees Association
CSEA Becomes the Largest Organization to Endorse in Assembly District 69 Race
Micah Lasher Lands First Labor Endorsement in Assembly District 69
Teamsters Local 817 Backs Lasher for Open Seat